Professional Tinting
Auto - Residential - Commercial


Using what is known as a "conformable vinyl wrapping" material, a high-quality print or protective clear wrap can be molded to almost any and every part of a vehicle. Typically, conformable material is used because it is the easiest to work with, especially on contoured surfaces
Wrapping is also sometimes used instead of paint as a less-permanent way of applying
Wrapping can also be used for vehicle customization, and race cars often get vehicle wraps as they are lighter than paint.
Xenon lights, also known as high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, produce a brighter light than halogen bulbs and with far less heat. The blue-white light emitted by xenon bulbs is so bright, it has been known to "blind" other drivers.
These headlights require a large amount of power at the outset to produce their first burst of light, but once fully operational, they require much less energy to maintain constant brightness.
Xenon bulbs have a long lifespan and emit little heat, but they cost more than halogen bulbs.
There are many different grades, shades, colors, and thicknesses of available window films built to offer solutions to a variety of challenges. Window films are a retrofit upgrade for existing glass that can be used to address problems inherent to glazing, including:
Heat and glare reduction
Thermal insulation
UV filtration
Safety and security
Decoration, ignage and brandings
Protection from graffiti
Window films are an extremely cost-effective method to reduce heating and cooling costs in existing buildings by reducing the amount of heat transfer through glazing.

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